I didn't until it became apparent to me early last month that it's getting serious, so many people have got it and they say nearly everybody will have it after the winter.
Is Swine flu as dangerous as they say
The answer is YES and NO.
Swine flu technically is like most other flu's, people CAN recover from it, and they can recover from it without using medication. This will be partly dependent on the individuals immune system, you can even have it for a day feeling abit tired and your body fights it out.
However, swine flu is also killing people, not everyone has a immune system like superman. It's true that swine flu seems to be hitting the people hardest when they have other health problems, but its still dangerous to individual that don't. Also, to look at it one the other side, I know some one with endless health problems, and they got swine flu, I was very worried about this person, praying they will be ok, and in the end TAMIFLU done it's job and the swine flu was gone. The best precaution is to stay at home, and call the helpline when you are suspected of having it, and take the TAMIFLU if they give it to you.
Can you get SWIN FLU twice or more than once?
Yes, it is possible but the risks are lower, your immune system would have built some kind of resistance to the virus and will be able to fight it for effectively. But, can you get swine flu more than once, yes it is possible so don't let your guard down.
Hand gel and thermometers
Everyone seems to be on a mad rush buying hand gels and thermometers is it really necessary... Don't get obsessed about getting these things but get them if you can. Hand gels will help hygeine and thus reduce the risk. Thermometers can also show a fever when you don't feel it yourself.
How to get tamiflu and what to do if you think you got swine flu
I'll just give a quick guidance, don't go to your doctors, dont go outside and put people at risk. Call the helpline that has now been put into place 0800 1 513 100.
I wont go into all the guidance on swine flu you can get it online from the government website or NHS website.
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