Thursday, May 7, 2009

RPSGB Laws: Responsible Pharmacist

Heres a round up on the new legal reguilations for the "responsible pharmacist" by the RPSGB:

Display a notice: The responisble pharmacist must display a notice with their name, registration number, and something that states that they are the responsible pharmacist in charge of the pharmacy.

Pharmacy record: A pharmacy record must be kept of the responsible pharmacist for any given day, the record must include: Name of responsible pharmacist, registration number, date and time of being responsible, date and time of stop being responsible, date and time of absence from the pharmacy including, the leaving work and entering. (This record must be kept by the pharmacy owner/superintendant for 5 years).

The responsible pharmacist must ensure standard operating procedures are being carried out correctly.

For more pharmacy information for students check our site RPSGB Prereg exam revision site

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